Fields: | Column name | Description | |-------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | duration | Duration of the encoding in [s] | | | average_cpu_utilization | Average CPU utilization during the video encoding in [\%]. | | | cost | Computing cost of running encoding on the instance in [\$]. | | | eco_model_cpu_energy | CPU energy consumption estimated by ECO-Model for encoding in [kWh]. | | | code_carbon_ram_energy | RAM energy consumption measured by CodeCarbon in [kWh]. | | | eco_model_cpu_co2 | CPU CO2 emissions calculated at default carbon intensity (617 g) for Frankfurt using the ECO-Model energy estimation in [g]. | | | cpu_co2_ | CPU CO2 emissions of the instance located in calculated using the carbon intensity values provided in electricity map and the ECO-Model energy estimation [g]. | | CO2 impact [g] retrieved from From 19:00 13.08.2023 CEST To 18:00 14.08.2023 CEST Average CO2 emissions (in g) per country: Germany: 389.75 Austria: 63.208333333333336 Sweden: 16.5 Poland: 732.5 South Africa: 720.1666666666666 Taiwan: 554.625 Great Britain: 210.95833333333334