Topics and Slides

The course multimedia information aims to give an overview on multimedia information retrieval, multimedia databases and multimedia metadata. Detailed listing of topics:

  1. Introduction, Motivation, Information Theory & Systems slides
  2. Information Retrieval I slides
  3. Information Retrieval II slides
  4. Web based IR, PageRank, HITS slides
  5. Multimedia Metadata I slides
  6. Multimedia Metadata II slides
  7. Content Based Image Retrieval slides
  8. Music & Audio Retrieval slides
  9. Video Retrieval slides
  10. Multimedia Databases slides

License and Copyright

All slides and course materials are shared under the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 Creative Commons License This means you can use them as long as you don't get rich by using them and you state that you got them from me. Derivative waork has to be shared using a similar license. Consult the above link for more details.