Multimedia Information Systems

The course multimedia information aims to give an overview on multimedia information retrieval, multimedia databases and multimedia metadata. The course also took place in summer semester 2009, 2008 and 2007. You can find a page and all the slides here, here and here.


  1. Introduction, Motivation, Information Theory & Systems
  2. Information Retrieval
  3. Web based IR, PageRank, HITS
  4. Network Analysis & Social Networks (Guest Lecture)
  5. Multimedia Metadata
  6. Image Analysis and Content Based Image Retrieval
  7. Audio & Sound Analysis
  8. Video Information Systems
  9. Multimedia Databases

Slides & Exercises


Students enrolled in the course have to participate actively (solve a few mandatory exercises and discuss results within the course) and have to do a course project (in small groups) and a presentation of the project within the semester. Grades are based on:

Possible projects will be listed. Furthermore students can suggest projects themselves. One example for a successful projects is the image mosaic feature in the Lire Demo (see here). Programming skills are required for the projects, the scope and language however are subject to discussion and can be chosen by the groups.

Additional materials

Following materials are not mandatory but provide additional information for the interested reader:

License and Copyright

All slides and course materials are shared under the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Creative Commons License This means you can use them as long as you don't get rich by using them and you state that you got them from me. Derivative work has to be shared using a similar license. Consult the above link for more details.