

Verleihung des Großen Ehrenzeichens; LPD Kärnten / Kuess

Kulturpreisverleihung 2022; Land Kärnten, LPD / Bauer

Research Group

The research group „Multimedia Communication (MMC)“ was founded and led by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner.

The research activities of the group were in the areas of

  • Adaptive video streaming: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
  • Multimedia Quality of Service/Experience (QoS/QoE)
  • 360° video and point cloud streaming over 5G; edge computing
  • Standardization within ISO/IEC MPEG
  • Communication in UAV systems

The focus of the MMC group was clearly on adaptive delivery of audio-visual contents.

The group actively participated in several international and national research projects on all levels, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry.

In teaching, the MMC group covered the technical courses of the Informatics study programme such as Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Servers and Clusters, Multimedia Technology, and Adaptive Media Streaming.

Most of the work is being continued by Prof. Christian Timmerer and his research group and projects.
